So I know you aren't all from Texas. Duh?! But I am! And if you're FROM Texas, you have a sense of PRIDE about this
Lone Star State.
I know... you all just yawned. I heard it! But give me a chance here!
Let me tell you a few great things about Texas that may just make you ♥ it too! I'm sure y'all will wanna jump right on in the ol' pick-up truck and come visit me when you're done reading 'this here' post. (Like my Texas Twang?) So here ya go!
In Texas....• Armadillos sleep in the middle of the road with their feet in the air.

• If it grows, then it pokes! And I really do hate
Bull Nettle! And so do my feet --- I'm allergic!
• We have four seasons: Almost Summer, Summer, still Summer, & Christmas. Good thing I love SUMMER!!! ...and Christmas!
• 100 degrees Fahrenheit is
'gettin' a little warm.'
• We greet each other with a big "Howdy!"
• There are 5,000 types of snakes on earth... and I think only 4,998 live in Texas.

• If it crawls, then it bites, pinches, or stings! Yea, we find scorpions
IN our house regularly... often ON us... or our guests. No joke! In fact, I have a "scorpion counter" up on
my personal blog's sidebar just to keep count! Woo hoo! You're getting excited now, aren't ya?
• 'Fixinto' is one word.
Example: "
I'm fixinto go to the store."
• You carry jumper cables in your car . . . FOR your own car.
• There are only four spices: salt, pepper, Tabasco & ketchup. (...but I
hate ketchup!)
• You measure distance in hours. Like it's 5 hours from San Antonio to Dallas .
• It's very common to have to switch from 'heat' to 'A/C' in the same day. We do it alllllll the time!
• Iced tea is appropriate for ALL meals, and you start drinking it when you're about two. We do like a little tea with our sugar!

• There are 10,000 types of spiders, and all 10,000 of 'em live in Texas. And
I'll hold one if ya dare me!

...And my
hubby's even been bit by the dreaded brown recluse! He even survived to tell about it! His leg is slightly uglier now, but hey? Men love scars!
• 'Backwards and forwards' means I know everything about you!
• "Djeet" is actually a phrase meaning 'Did ya eat?' Last week,
Laura used this in a comment --- and I was like "Hey, I was gonna use that!" So I went to
her blog, and wouldn't ya know... she's from Texas, too!! No wonder! =0)
• We know what the word "tump" means --- and how and when to use it! Do you?
• We know what it means to give a friend a 'pump' on your bicycle. It has nothing to do with airing up the tires either!
• We install security lights on our house & garage and then leave both unlocked. Go figure?!
• Yes, Friday night high school football games are
serious football!
• Going to Wal-mart is a favorite past time known as "
Goin' to Wally-World."
• A carbonated soft drink isn't a soda, a cola, or a pop. . . . it's a coke, regardless of brand or flavor. Example:
'What kind a coke do y'all want?'
• We don't need no stinkin' driver's ed . . . if our mama says we can drive, we can drive. (okay, not legally, but it's funny!)
• Not everyone washes their clothes.... some people, like me for example,
WARSH them!
• And the most important thing we learn growing up in Texas is...
I'm proud to be a true TEXAS girl!
SO now who wants to be the first to come and visit me??? Come on now, not everyone at once!