Monday, August 3, 2009

Making Memories, One Blog At A Time

"Moments forgotten may as well have never happened at all."

I read this little saying on a blog in the last couple of weeks ---- and I can't seem to get it out of my head. I wish I could remember whose blog it was! Was it yours?

This powerful phrase left me a big WOW feeling... because it's oh so true! And you know what? As time consuming as blogging is, I feel like BLOGGING has made me take the time to stop and smell the roses in my life... in our lives. I have noticed 'the little things' and I have made them valuable to me and to my family.

"TIME" is precious and once it's gone, you can NEVER get it back. I will never have "a baby" again. My BABY is already NINE YEARS OLD! How did that happen? Where did the time go?

But when I think back on memories made and the mental pictures that I have of special times and events in our lives, I wish I'd had a blog for 'those memories', too. So go take pictures of silly faces, goofy poses, sweet hugs, summer splashes, precious drawings, and those people you love.

Now I'm off to go make a memory! And rest assured, I'll blog about it over here!


  1. That is so so true! What a great way of putting it! I love using my blog for that kind of stuff and the little insights God gives me into each day and my kids.
    Collette xxx

  2. that is a great expression and oh so true!

  3. Time does fly by... you don't have to ask me twice to take a picture!

  4. So true...this is one huge reason why I blog and scrapbook. I want those memories to be there for my kids when they are older. I just wish I had started blogging when my kids were littler.
    Cute picture.

  5. Everyday is a memory in the is our choice whether it is good or bad.

  6. Oh so true and thanks for the reminder!!

  7. I love this! Thank you so much for a great reminder!

  8. So true, so true! I have always taken lots of pictures since I used to scrapbook, once upon a time, but with blogging...well it's instant! I can take pictures and come home to blog about it right away! I even have my family trained!!! Love the reminder for making every moment a memory!

  9. Hi Erica,
    What a precious, sweet photo of Riley. I miss my babies, too.
    My 21 year old daughter SO wants to get married and have a family; I hope she finds that husband soon, and maybe I’ll get to be a grandmother!!!

  10. I love being able to capture the life and times of our family in my blog. It puts a story with the millions of pictures I take that just sit in my computer!

  11. Oh, I love this! I totally agree. I wish I had my blogs when my kids were little tiny babies. I am trying to make up for it now!!! ;)

  12. So true Erica! I was just telling someone yesterday, that I love it that others read my blog and seem to enjoy it, but even if they didn't it's like a journal for me of our life.

    It's also been a great way to make some new friends!!! :)

  13. It is so true! Once the time is gone, you can never get it back and all we have is the memories to enjoy and the changes in us that those events make happen. Sometimes, we do forget things that happened in our lives and a picture will bring those memories flooding back. Blogging has also helped me to remember to take my camera more often too. And I will have to say, meeting you here in the blogging world and seeing all of the fun things that you do with your family has also inspired me to make more memories memorable via camera as well. Just know! I am sure I am not the only one! Thanks Erica!

  14. You are so right! Everytime I get frustrated with some phase one of the kids is going through, I try to make myself to remember not to wish it away because that wishes away the time too. And they are already WAY to old. There is so much I can't remember from when the girls were little-I wish I had had a blog back then! It is and will continue to be a priceless keepsake.

  15. That is exactly why I printed my blog. I want my daughter to have my thoughts and expressions about her in print.

    You are absolutely right girl!

  16. Yep, I was kicking myself that I didn't have my camera at our VBS celebration the other day! I really need it with me at all times, because my memory is awful!


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