Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dearly Bel0ved Bloggers,

I just realized something.

I am a Son-Maid!
(da da da dumm)

And I aint (yeah, that's right, I said "AINT"). I aint talking about raisins. I'm talking about the endless cleaning involved when my son comes out to play. Makes me wonder, is he just playin' for the sake of having a good time or does he want me to pull all my hair out and pass out from exhaustion? IT JUST NEVER ENDS. I've tried to teach him that cleanliness is Godliness, but who am I kidding?!!! After all, he is only 3yrs old. It will take some time but BY GOLLY, I'm gonna train this boy to get all his trucks in a row and into a box at least by the time he's 18. Hopefully, it won't take that long, cause if it does, I think I may just turn into a Son-Maid PRUNE!!

Yours Truly!


  1. You are too cute. i hear ya. I am forever cleaning too. Good luck with that and when you figure it out, let me know your secret.

  2. Good luck with that one Miti! I finally gave up on my girls. I figure that's why God made doors. I just close their bedroom doors and don't look! Makes for a much more peaceful home. Their happy in their mess and I'm happy not looking at it! ;-) Works for us!

  3. Oh man...isn't that the truth! Actually my little girl is pretty much a slob too! haha! Her and her explosion of clothes always on her floor! It can get easier {if I break out the drill seargent voice!} but I try not to let it get me down and I will have a clean house when they're in college!

  4. Yeah that seems like about par for the course with the boys!!! Im still picking up after mine and they are 8 and 5...oh wait, I am suppost to say that it gets better with age!!!

  5. Just the laugh I needed, today. I can always count on you to make me smile.

    Blessings, hugs, and prayers, andrea

  6. Oh, Poor Poor Miti! She's so new at this!

    Miti ---- you're never gonna get him to keep it clean. I have four, and either I've screwed up MAJORLY or it's just a hopeless cause. I'm with TCKK (Cathy) on this one... learn to just pick your battles, close the bedroom door, and accept that your house won't stay clean until they all leave for college.

    *sigh* Yea, my house looks like a tornado went through it right now. Oh well. Wouldn't trade a single one of 'em! =0)

  7. That picture is the cutest thing! Made me LAUGH! Boys are, simply put, noisy, dirty people. But they are so much fun and so happy that way! As a mom of a 10-year-old one of those creatures, I've discovered after some years of fighting it that I am much happier if I embrace it and go with the flow. He WILL be doing his own laundry one day, and now that he helps with the cleaning, heis a little more aware of the ramifications.

  8. I was going to say the same thing as Mimi...when you figure it out...let us all know. Then again...when you figure it out, you could sell your secret and retire to a life of bliss, and have your own maids! ;-)

  9. aw don't turn in to a prune!!! hehe I bet you will have him "trained" soon! (okay who am I kidding we both know that is not possible!)

  10. What a cute post! Love the little graphic!!!

  11. funny! Good luck with the training. Sometimes I think it's pointless, because you get them trained by the time they're about 10, but then they become a teenager and it all goes right out the window! (and she's not even quite a teen yet!)

  12. Couldn't this be said of us....The Lord trains us daily....or provides training but we continue to slack off, or not listen, or do what we want to do...

    Grace, Love and Mercy comes when we look at our sweet little ones or big ones which ever applies when they mess up or don't do as we ask and this would be true of our Heavenly Father as well!!! We continue to train as does HE....thank goodness!

    Good post!

  13. What a great post! I guess that makes me a 3 daughters and two sons maid!! Good luck on the training part! It has not really worked for me!! And my oldest is 15. Sorry if I just bummed you out!! LOL

  14. If you master this task of getting your son to pick up after himself, especially without you having to threaten his life (he's too young for you to do that, buy mine aren't), then PLEASE let me know how you did it!

  15. I wasn't quite sure where this one was headed based on the title but can see not only are we son maids, but daughter maids, husband maids, etc and the list never ends.

    Fortunately I love being the Son-maid for our Lord and Savior, I have no complaints there.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  16. Lol,a prune! I have a sign in my kitchen that says, "Mom's of little boys work from SON up, to SON down!"


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