Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Children's Letters to GOD

Children Around The World Stock Images
These were just too adorable not to share.
I was getting a really great kick out of these and I have kind of been on a letter kick recently!!!

My parents Sunday School class was asked to write a letter to GOD and ask him any question that they wanted. Here are just a couple sooo funny!!!
I just love the way that kids think!

I have changed the names to protect the innocent.
Hope you enjoy!

Dear God- Are you really invisible or is that just a trick? Hanna

Dear God- Did you mean for a giraffe to look like that or was it an accident? - Nelly

Dear God - I went to this wedding and they kissed right in that OK ? - Ben

Dear God- Please put a holiday between Christmas and Easter. There is nothing Good there right now. ~ Jenny

Dear God- Maybe Cain and Abel would not kill much if they each had their own rooms. That is what my mom said and it works for me and my brother. ~ Tommy

Dear God- I keep waiting for spring but it never comes. ~Anna (spoken like a true Minnesotan)

Dear God - You don't have to worry about me. I look both ways~ Adam

Dear God- I read in a book that Edison created light but then they told me at church that you did it. Sorry that he stoled your idea. Are you mad? ~James

Dear God- If you let the dinosaur NOT extinct then we would not have a country.
You made the right decision. Elliott

Hope your having a wonderful Wednesday ~ Tarah


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