So this weekend, I was trying to force myself to begin to organize. It's been one of those things for me that seemed too overwhelming to face. So I pushed the daunting task aside and tried to ignore it... as if that would make it go away. But alas, I knew at some point, I'd have to do it.
On Saturday I had a fun afternoon planned, so I decided that I'd face "the house" in the morning while knowing I had something to look forward to that afternoon. Talk about OVERWHELMING!!!
My house is full of THINGS. Full of CLUTTER. When we moved here 9 years ago, I swore I wouldn't collect clutter. I didn't want to have to ever deal with moving CLUTTER again. But ya know what? Somewhere along the way.... four kids and two adults re-cluttered this house.
Yep, and trying to unclutter is hard for me. Everything I pick up is a "memory" or a "might need this someday!" Not that I've needed it for YEARS, but "what if?" And knowing me, the day after I throw it away, THAT is surely when I'll need it. But was it worth the cluttered space that it took up in my house all this time?
Nope. It wasn't. So in the days and weeks to come, I'm boxing things that we want to keep, boxing things that we want to take to Goodwill, and throwing tons away.
My name is Erica...
and I am a PACK RAT.
Anyone wanna fly down to Texas, get me organized, and help me with the last of the repairs that need to be done on the house? Pretty please with sugar on top? I'll let you take all the clutter back home with you!!!?
Howdy! I'm a full-time workin' mom of
4 who loves photography & enjoys blogging in my spare time. I love swimming, the beach & all things summer! This Texas gal is definitely quirky, sarcastic, & foofy - yet I'm still a total tomboy at heart. Come meet my family over at Scottsville.
MiMi ~