Friday, May 22, 2009

Free For All Fridays!

ADMIT IT...You clicked on here because you thought it was a Giveaway!

To put that wild fire out right away...FREE FOR ALL FRIDAYS IS NOT A GIVEAWAY. I will leave that to Heidi.
I just liked the catchy title.
This Par-tay just got started on Monday & guess who already has Blog Block? Seriously! Who gets Blog Block with their first post?
Why you ask? Because I am the Queen of Memes! If you have been to my blog, you know that I do a Blog Meme everyday except Sunday. Therefore the title Queen of, without a Meme to guide me along...I am terrified & lost.
I would love some help to get this Free For All Started...please leave me any topic (silly or serious) and I will attempt to come up with an entertaining post. OK, maybe not entertaining, but definitely a post. If there are no helpers out there...then Fridays will be Fly By The Seat Of My Pants Day.
This could be fun...or N0t!
Who will be the first to leave an idea in that little comment box?
Don't make me start dropping links here & call you out by Blogs...
Cause you know I will!

Throw me a Bone...Help a Sister out. I repeat, this could be fun.

I'll be here waiting...right here...waiting...while you think of something for this crazy girl to post about. *sigh*


  1. Could it be true...might I be the first....I guess that's what happens when you stay up too late....

    What I would love to see you blog about (what I have been dying to see you blog about) is simple really....tell me about your love of seem to have so many....and you look fabulous in all of them....I'm sure you can blog about them!!

  2. In reference to the last comment, I think it would be much more fun if MiMi would just love us all enough to mail us each a free hat. Come on MiMi!?!

    Eh, I'm just jealous cuz I love them on you and your girls so much!!! I guess I need to find a place down here that makes/sells them so I can find one (or two) for Riley!

  3. You could blog about how wonderful I am, lol! Oh, and don't forget to blog about how humble I am too. Humility just oozes out of ever pore of my body, don't you think? Oh, and you can blog about the fact that I lie alot too.....and people can never tell if I'm serious or joking...oh, don't forget to mention my perky toes......

  4. I would love a free hat....I love a free anything.....although I do look very silly in maybe I shouldn't take one...but if you were to hand out hats Mimi I wouldn't turn you down...

  5. Hey Cous,
    Great first blog. I am not all that creative when it comes to the blogging world, but I think helpful hints on how to do's would be great!

  6. How about dreaming? What are your dreams?
    Where do you think you will be in your life 5 years down the road? Will you still be blogging? Tell us what you think a day in your life will look like.

    Just an idea! I like to hear what people are looking forward to and the dreams they have in their heart.

  7. Honestly, I'm so brain dead right now!!!! LOL!!

    Love your hat!!!!!

  8. You are so silly...but sorry, I got nothing!!! Anyways I love to hear you ramble, so keep up the great work!!

  9. You don't need anything except cute pics of those cute hats! Any photography tips? scrapbooking ideas? frugal facts? I'm not much help either...that's why I post pictures all the time...I take so many pictures and try to post about them..ha ha! I love your sense of humor, that's all you need!

  10. You are so cute in that hat!! :) I have to agree with all the others on that! You could tell us about the you behind the meme! Like all the things you would be writing if you weren't doing a meme over on the other blog!! You can't be TOO terrified! I saw you on video!! NOTHING IS SCARIER THAN THAT!! :)

  11. I agree about the How-To's. I love to learn new things (no matter what they are) and see pictures of the steps.

  12. adorable in the hat. i need to get some for my girls. and dustin you know, minus the flower. now for a post. hmmmm. you could just blog about nothing-ness. i do it all the time. and you read it. so it must be good. :0) or photography stuff. like which lens you like the best for your super awesome camera. :0)

  13. I have sooo many things...I have been waiting for a forum to place them...Where do I start...
    Why are rainbows not bows?
    What is a PELVIS PACK?
    Does Agent have his mustache back?
    Can you do a cartwheel...
    Oh, just call...I never know where this one is going to go!!!! ;)

  14. Hey Girlfriend,

    I'm in a fog right now with a head cold so I could only think of one thing You take such great pictures. Tips, tricks, and photo editing ideas would be great. You are so good with pictures.
    Best wishes on the new blog.

  15. YOu completely crack me up! Love ya.

  16. What about... something like they do on the VIEW? HOT TOPICS... you could really get funny and amusing with those! I think your sense of humor could shed light on the "idea that OBAMA told young men of the US to PULL THEIR PANTS UP!"

  17. how about you blog about your kids... you never do that. smirk.

    ummmm how about a blog confessional. you seem so perfect (in a lovely wonderful way)...let's see your dirt woman! muahahahahah I'm feeling a tad evil today can't you tell?

  18. I'll admit it. I saw Mimi and the word Free and I was READY. Ready to post as many comments as possible. So... just so you know, I am READY for you to host another contest- anytime- on either blog!!
    Now, back to my cup of joe. I'll have to give topics some thought after the caffiene hits my system.

  19. How about some photo editing what programs you use or how you do all the cool enhancements with your pics!! I am SUPER jealous of all the cute pictures that you post on your blog!

  20. There you are again with one of those cute as can hats. I was taught that you should always share with your friends. {HINT} {HINT} Let's make a deal.... How bout' you share your little hat with me and I'll share some ideas with you. Sound good? Ok, GREAT!!! So sweet of you. Me first, how bout' going with the hat post. But to make it funny find pictures of some of the most hideous or strangest hats ever. What ever you decide, I'm sure everyone will enjoy reading. You could do no wrong.

    HUGS & Squeezes

  21. I am sorry...I am all out of dog got the last one! You will do a wonderful and wear a hat and we will continue to follow. :o)

  22. How can you say you're not that great with photography? I LOVE all your pictures! You take wonderful pictures!

  23. I think flying by the seat of your pants sounds great!! I tried to think of a really GREAT idea for you, but haven't come up with one, yet. I know, I sound like everyone else & am not big help. But I really will keep thinking. Maybe it'll just come to you. You could just blog about all the ideas you come up with about blogging. Those might be fun to read & it might help us out on our own blogs.

  24. I think it would be a great idea for you to highlight a new blogger each week for a while. Introduce someone who is new to blogging or someone who doesn't have a huge following. Give us all someone new to visit.

  25. You fruit loop - you don't need MY help! Look at all of these ideas - lucky you!

    Thanks for the shout out, yo. :-)

  26. You do look adorable in that hat!

    I have a ton of blog posts floating around in my head, but I like the hat idea. I think you should share about the collection.

  27. Good summer activities, time management tips, beauty pampering tips, fashion do's and don'ts, I also liked Christina's suggestion.

  28. LOL! Great hat! Everyone else has the ideas. I'll leave it to them. Great to meet you! Looking forward to seeing what you decide!

  29. Umm, I read the most recent post first, and they kept referencing your nickname... so... what was it?!?! :)

    And would love some tips on how you manage your time with 3 kids and getting a post out everyday and commenting on 3,419 blogs a day? (Honestly, I'm humbled that you come to our humble blog! :)

    We love you (and I TOTALLY have blog block right now, LOL)

  30. You are so cute! Hmmm. ooh, yeah I peaked at one above...yes, I like the idea of a Family Fun post ")

  31. Oh I just love ya girl! My brain isn't working so I'll have to think of some ideas but seriously you crack me up :)

  32. LOVE the hat! My girls would go crazy for it too! They collect hats of all sorts...antiques, to berets to baseball caps...and look great in a good hat.

    I am relatively new to blog world...and I must admit that I don't even know what a meme is...please enlighten me.


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