Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Thumb Idea

Hey Everyone!!!  It's been quite a while since I last posted.  I'm sure many of you can relate.  After all, it is summertime, time to enjoy the sun in your face.  Although, I have been a bit busy lately with a 4yr old and a house being built, my excuse for absences goes a little further than that. The problem is I've also been hit in the head with a dose of blogger's block.  I really want to get back in here and just share whatever it is I wanna share.  So, I've been searching for a little inspiration and I think I've come up with a little bit of a theme for me to get my creative juices flowing again on Thursdays. 

I'm calling it Thumbs Up Thursday.  It'll just be me locking my thumb in the upright position and giving recognition to some pretty awesome ideas and finds.  Some will come from me (I hope).  Some will come from others (maybe even you).  Some days it'll be recipes that are out of this world.  Other days it'll be about creativity at it's best.  I've even thought about making it a linky.  So, in true hitchhiker fashion (in no way, shape, or form am I encouraging that) pull out your thumbs, give it a lift, and praise something worth praising.

Of course nothing is more worth my praise than the Lord above, who has given me endless blessing.  Some came in the form of prayers answered, while others were not.  But, NEVERTHELESS, He is looking out for me and I praise Him ALWAYS ♥

With ♥ Miti


  1. Sounds like a good idea and I agree, there is nothing or no one more worthy of praise than our Lord and Savior!!

  2. I love this idea Miti. Go with it. I know it will be great.

  3. What a great idea!! How fun!!

  4. I give that idea a big thumbs up! LOL

  5. It might be the next big thing!

  6. Thumbs up Thursday sounds fun!

  7. That's a great idea! And the mclinky thing is free and so easy to use. You can even make one for a meme. Just go to my blog and find my meme post and click on the "Get your own free linky tools" link (towards the bottom of the post) and it'll get you started!

  8. It is a great and fun idea. I look forward to seeing what you find to raise you thumb up at. There is so much out there that it's going to be difficult to choose. Have fun!


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