Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fashion Smashin'

So it's finally happened. I am out of touch with the world.


I have become one of those women.

Those women who ask all the wrong questions and who don't know the latest slang and who don't know the latest fashion, heartthrob, song, t.v. show, movie quote, etc.







I was shopping with my friend at Goodwill, and I looked at a pair of shoes and said "These are cute!" and my friend said "Yeah, they are. But they're out of date, they're not in fashion."

Out of date? Shoes?

Oh dear.

So now, I figure that the heels are either supposed to be higher or lower, narrower or wider, strapped or no strap, pointy toe or rounded toe or some other kind of toe.





So if you see me, and my jeans are to wide, to long or not long enough, or my sleeves are to narrow, or my shirt is not the "right" color, or my shoes are soooooo last season (or last decade), please don't tell me.

Just smile sweetly at me and tell me I look lovely. Let me live in denial. Honestly, it's the humane thing to do.

No offense intended to my mom, who would be the first to tell you that she has no idea what's in fashion and apparently I have joined her.


Fashion Smashin'.......who cares? I am a grown woman and I am just going to wear what I like (within reason, lol!) and if I am out of date, there are lots of people like me out there who won't know the difference! Hehehe.

Denial is a fashion statement, who knew?


  1. You have to go with what works for you. I have fallen into trying to wear what's in style and, believe me, it gets expensive.

  2. Levi's Jeans and t-shirts for winter, shorts and flip flops for summer, have done me well for years. And since I'm 6 foot tall I'm pretty sure no one will tell me otherwise! LOL
    Love you my friend and I would NEVER laugh! *snicker* *snicker*

  3. Nan, when you're tiny -- you can wear anything and look cute and in style. :o)

  4. It's all about comfort to me. That's what's important!! Of course my kids don't think so. To them, I'm way out of style. Oh well!

  5. On the other side of the coin, if you're too fashionably hip you can look like one of those pathetic mothers who is trying to regain her teenage years. I think that's worse.

  6. I work with teenagers at a clothing store...I totally feel ya! :D

  7. I might be there right with you Nan...ugh! Maybe they should start putting an expiration date on clothes like they do food. That would be a good idea, right?

  8. I love Darcie's idea of the expiration date. Unfortunately, it seems things are only in style for a season. Yeah, I'm not too worried about being in the know about every fashion detail. When somebody wants to pay for my clothes, then they can tell me how to dress and how out of style I am. Until then, I'll either be in style, halfway in style or completely out of style. I tend to think I fall right in the middle.

  9. I'm not in fashion either. I am in style for what looks good on my body. I never want someone to say...oh, look at that girl that shoved herself into skinny jeans! I can't do it. I know what looks good on my and I roll with it...I hope you bought the shoes!!! ;)

  10. Ya know, I tend to "think" I'm pretty stylish and know the trends. BUT some of the trends are hideous and I have no desire to follow them. I literally choose to not look like the "fashionable" in some cases and go with what looks good on me. I know SKINNY jeans are in style, but my legs are too skinny and if I put those skinny jeans on them, I'll look like a chicken. NO THANK YOU!

  11. I noticed just last night that I dress like such a mom. Not that it's bad but I just never thought that would be me.

    But I agree with Jill, the moms that try so hard to be fashionably hip are even worse than those of us that are wearing long since expired clothing.

  12. =D
    Who cares!!!
    I love my jeans and t-shirsts =D
    FASHION??? <--what is that??
    welcome to the club =D

  13. Oh Nan - I am SO with you on this! LOL...I've never known what's in fashion, and since my wardrobe thrives off of "end of season" sales, I'm always at least a year behind on everything anyhow. :) If it makes me look fat, I ain't wearin' it, if it still makes me feel comfy, I'll wear it for decades, lol.

  14. Yes, it takes us all this time to figure out being comfortable in our own skin is the greatest Fashion Statement of them all.

  15. I am right there with you, Nan, sharing the out of style, out of the loop, unfashionable motherhood mansion!


  16. I think it's more important to buy what looks good on you, not what's in fashion. I, for instance, will never have the desire to wear skinny jeans again. Why, you ask? Cause muffin top is NEVER in fashion. HAHAHA.

  17. Oh I am so not trendy...I go for what will stand the test of fashion. Black shirts and jean bottoms. Yep that is it for me.

  18. I am with you sister!! I am soooo not trendy! If it's comfy then I am all over it!

  19. Nan, I think something is going on with me too in this department. A couple of months ago I went to the mall with my sisters and a friend and that's when it occurred to me that I too maybe turning into my mom. I told them I liked these really cute flat sandals and they all started laughing at me. I thought they were cute and in style but they just thought I was crazy. Then we went and tried on some dresses and my friends asked me which one I like and she kinda just grinned like , really?!!! She said I don't know it just looks like something my mom would wear. I'm so confused. I thought I was good about staying in style but from their reactions that day, I'm just not sure anymore. {sigh}

  20. Totally agree, whatever that makes us comfy, who cares about fashion!

  21. You, too? LOL! I don't feel the need or want to be "in fashion". I just want to please God in what I do including what I wear. :D Have a great day, Nan!

  22. As long as none of your friends or family turn you into that tv show "What Not To Wear", I guess you're doing alright. I'm too big to wear fashionable clothes. They seem to think that "chubby, husky, stout, plump, however you say it" women only prefer big, bright flower patterns that draw attention to you like a billboard...can you tell I'm slightly bitter? I need to work on that.

  23. Hi,
    Fashion is the best way to show out our personality and also glamour..
    so i will take this article in my life...
    Thanks for sharing valuable info..

  24. That's when you remind your friend that "looking good never goes out of style!"
    what looks good one person may not on another, so it's silly to follow fashions!


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